Personalized school uniforms: kids can be proud of their school!
Having personalized school uniforms is today the schools` choice. But you don`t have to be worried about having uniforms. Kids can wear beautiful, cheerful clothes, fit for their age, and schools can create a real brand whose logo can be proudly worn on any piece of clothing.
From classics t-shirts and white shirts to colourful jerseys, sweaters, jackets, sportswear, or even autumn and winter jackets, clothing pieces transformed into school uniforms can be customized by printing or embroidering the school`s logo.
Don`t forget that special clothing for art classes or the one for practical activities carried out within the school can be also personalized.
Look through our suggestions below and if you are an educational institution wanting to induce to its students the sense of school community, you ob=nly have to decide which is the best solution for you as school uniforms.
1. T-shirts or polo shirts, white or in the school`s colours
2. Elegant jerseys with V-neckline, with or without buttons
3. Sports equipment: t-shirts, pants, shorts
4. Long sleeve shirts and sweaters with / without zipper
5. Clothing for special activities
6. Autumn / winter bodywarmers and jackets
7. School team: parents beside their kids
Parents’ involving in children’s activities is very important for the community created around the school. The range of customized clothing with the school logo can also include them: